Charitable Status
Dalgety Bay Art Club has charitable status under the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005.
The club is listed in the Scottish Charities Register, Charity Number SC047241.
Our date of registration was: 15 March 2017.
Our charity's registered name is: Dalgety Bay Art Club.
Our charitable objectives are: To promote creative art and crafts, which will include (but need not be limited to) painting and craftwork, by means of meetings, tuition, demonstrations, workshops, exhibitions and outings, in Dalgety Bay and nearby communities.

Privacy Policy
MEM_RENEWAL_2023-2024 £50 for the year.

Established in 1981, Dalgety Bay Art Club continues to be a vibrant and popular art club.
We have a good number of open sessions throughout the week for our artists, crafters and photographers in our premises, as well as providing opportunities for groups to meet outdoors in the better weather!!

There are a variety of specific classes, workshops and demonstrations held throughout the year, including an Experimental Art group for our more experienced painters, a thriving Craft group and a Photography group.

Demonstrations and Workshops are either by visiting experts or one of our own members.

We hold two major exhibitions each year (Spring - May and Autumn - November) in Dalgety Parish Church Hall.
Further exhibiting opportunities are available at other venues throughout the year.

Dalgety Bay Art Club is administered by an elected committee of members headed by the President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Committee meets on the second Monday of the month to discuss the running of the club. Meeting minutes are displayed in the clubhouse.

An AGM is held every year on the last Friday in August and is open to all members.

Our contact details and opening times can be found by clicking CONTACT US
Neurographic Art - October 2023Ram on a path, Ben NevisLeap of faithAutumn Freshness after Rain (Perthsire)Samples by Jean Boath"It's all in the smile" by Barbara Wade